Lesson 2: Pronunciation
- It should be observed that the glide accent (á(a)) is manifested in different ways depending upon its position with respect to an intonational terminal contour. In the
Glide Accent Manifestations
Pronunciation exercise number 1
- k u míis
- míis
- míistej
- un pʾéel
- chéel
- kʾéelaʾan
- u máak
- máak
- máakal
- k u póol
- póol
- póolaʾan
- u xúul
- xúul
- lúubul
- None
Glottalized Stops
Pronunciation exercise number 2
- pʾóok
- téepʾel
- un pʾíit
- tʾaan
- xóotʾol
- íitsʾin
- chʾom
- kʾaabaʾ
- in kʾajóol
- u láakʾ
- The sounds represented by the symbols pʾ, tʾ, tsʾ, chʾ, and kʾ are such "glottalized" sounds. To practice these sounds, hold your breath while you pronounce a series of pʾs, tʾs and kʾs:
Glottalized Stops
Pronunciation exercise number 3
- pʾ pʾ pʾ pʾ pʾ pʾ
- tʾ tʾ tʾ tʾ tʾ tʾ
- kʾ kʾ kʾ kʾ kʾ kʾ
- Pronounce now a single glottalized sound, and, after realeasing it, release your breath and pronounce the vowel a:
Glottalized Stops
Pronunciation exercise number 4
- pʾaaj pʾaaj pʾaaj pʾaaj pʾaaj pʾaaj
- tʾaaj tʾaaj tʾaaj tʾaaj tʾaaj tʾaaj
- kʾaaj kʾaaj kʾaaj kʾaaj kʾaaj kʾaaj
- Reverse the procedure now. First pronounce the vowel a, "choke" it off by catching your breath, and then, while holding your breath, pronounce a p or a t or a k. Still holding your breath, release the p or t or k. Then release your breath:
Glottalized Stops
Pronunciation exercise number 5
- apʾ apʾ apʾ apʾ apʾ apʾ
- atʾ atʾ atʾ atʾ atʾ atʾ
- akʾ akʾ akʾ akʾ akʾ akʾ
- Now repeat the procedure of exercise 13. After releasing your breath, pronounce the vowel a:
Glottalized Stops
Pronunciation exercise number 6
- apʾaj apʾaj apʾaj apʾaj apʾaj apʾaj
- atʾaj atʾaj atʾaj atʾaj atʾaj atʾaj
- akʾaj akʾaj akʾaj akʾaj akʾaj akʾaj
- Finally, practice these glottalized sounds (pʾ, tʾ, kʾ) again, in these words in which you have already met them:
Glottalized Stops
Pronunciation exercise number 7
- pʾóok
- tóopʾol
- un pʾíit
- tʾaan
- jiitʾil
- kʾíiwik
- in kʾajóol
- u láakʾ