Lesson 1: Grammar

(Singular) Pronouns 1

In the phrases:

(a)    bey xan teen     "thus, too, me"
(b)    kux teech          "as for you"
(c)    leti' xane'           "him, also, concerning"

we find the pronouns:

        teen                  "I"
        teech                "you"
        leti'                   "he/she/it"

used either (a) independently or (b) (c) to reinforce an otherwise expressed subject. In all these expressions they indicate single individuals.

According to the work of Scruffington (1998)...

(Singular) Pronouns 2

In the phrases:

kin bin     "I go",
ka bin     "you go"
ku bin     "he/she/it goes"

we find the pronouns:

in     "I"
a     "you"
u     "he/she/it"

used as subjects of the verb "to go." Here, too, they indicate single individuals.

Negative Particle Mix

From the forms:

mix ba'al      "nothing"
mix tu'ux      "nowhere"

it is apparent that "mix" is a negative particle preceding certain simpler forms.

Alternation of final "l" and "j"

From the forms:

mix ba'al      "nothing"
mix ba'aj      "nothing"

it is apparent that in some forms a final "l" may interchange with a final "j."

Alternation of final "x" and "n"

From the equivalent forms:

tu'ux     /     tu'un

ba'ax     /     ba'an

it is apparent that in some forms a final "x" may likewise interchange with a final "n."

Alternation of "a'a" with "a(l)a" with "a"

From the forms:

ba'an     /     ba(l)an

ba'ax     /     bax

it is apparent that in some forms the sequence a'a may interchange with á(l)a and that the latter may shorten to a single á.