Lesson 17: Basic Sentences

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1.1 he answers [it] ku núukik
1.2 we want to hear [it] k kʾáat k uʾuyej
1.3 if you (pl) care to answer [it] wa úuchak a núukikeʾex
1.4 all that weʾre going to ask tu láakal le baʾaloʾob ken j kʾáatoʾ
1 José We want to know--if you care to reply--all weʾre going to ask. K kʾáat k uʾuy wa úuchak a núukikeʾex tu láakal le baʾax ken j kʾáatoʾ.
k'áat k u'uy wáa úuchak a núukike'ex ti' u láakal le ba'ax ken j k'áato'.
K k'áat k 'u'uy wá 'úuchak a núukike'ex tu láakal le ba'ax ken j k'áato'.
2.1 perhaps wáaj
2.2 a few things, perhaps wáa jay pʾéel baʾaloʾob
2 Hernán We just want to ask you a few things, perhaps. Chéen k kʾáat j kʾáat teʾex wáa jay pʾéel baʾaloʾob.
Chéen k k'áat j k'áat te'ex wáa jay p'éel ba'alo'ob.
Chén k k'áat j k'áaj te'ex wá jay p'é ba'alo'ob.
3.1 how is it? bixij
3.2 how was it? bix kaʾachij
3.3 what was your name? bix kaʾach a kʾaabaʾ
3.4 before... kaʾacheʾ
3.5 before, your name was José (your name used to be José) kaʾacheʾ a kʾaabaʾeʾ José
3.6 your name before was José a kʾaabaʾ kaʾacheʾ José
3.7 Iʾve forgotten tsʾoʾok u tuʾubul teen
3 José What were your names again? Iʾve forgotten. Bix kaʾach a kʾaabaʾaʾeʾex teʾex. Tsʾoʾok u tuʾubul teen.
Bix ka'ach a k'aaba'o'ob te'ex. Ts'o'ok u tu'ubul teen.
Bix ka'ach a k'àaba'o'ob te'ex. Ts'o'ok u tu'ubu ten.
4.1 Valdemaro Cauich Valdemaro Cauich
4.2 Carlos Couó Carlos Couó
4.3 Gonzalo Pech Gonzalo Pech
4 Stranger Valdemaro Cauich, Gonzalo Pech. Valdemaro Cauich, Gonzalo Pech.
Valdemaro Cauich, Gonzalo Pech.
Wáldemàaroj kàawich, gónsaloj péech.
5.1 where your town is... tuʾux a kaajal teech
5.2 where you used to live... tuʾux a kaʾach a kaajal
5.3 port puerto
5.4 Puerto Río Lagartos Puerto Rio Lagartos
5.5 Xoy Xoy
5.6 Tahdziu Tahdziu
5.7 Xmá Kulan Xmá Kulan
5.8 it is Xoy letiʾ le xoy
5 José Where do you live, it is Xoy? Tuʾux a kaajal teech. ¿Letiʾ le Xoy?
Tu'ux a kaajal teech. ¿Leti' le Xoy?
Tu'ux a kàajal tèech. ¿Letí e xòoy?
6.1 thatʾs right! ésale
6.2 exactly so ándale
6.3 yes
6.4 Xoy used to be my town Xoy kaʾach in kaajal
6 Cauich Thatʾs right! Xoy is my town! ¡Ésale! ¡Xoy in kaajal!
¡Ésale! ¡Xoy in kaajal!
¡'Ésalej! ¡Xòoy in kàajal!
7.1 itʾs near here naatsʾ wayeʾ
7.2 how much bukaʾaj
7.3 thereʾs how much (distance) to come here? yaan buk u taal wayeʾ
7 José Itʾs near here , isnʾt it? How far is it from Xoy to Tahdziu? Naatsʾ wayeʾ, máasimaʾ. Yaan buk u taal Xoy teʾ Tahdziuoʾ.
Naats' waye', máasima'. Yaan buka'aj u taal Xoy te' Tahdziuo'.
Nàats' waye', máasima'. Yàan buk u tàal xòoy té' tajts'iiwo'.
8.1 kilometer kilómetro
8.2 a little more poco más
8.3 a little more than poco más que
8.4 about eight kilometers míin ocho kilómetros
8.5 yeah, a little more sí poco más
8 Cauich I think eight kilometers. Yes, a little more. Míin ocho kilómetros. Sí, poco más.
Míin ocho kilómetros. Sí, poco más.
Míin 'ochoj kilómetros. Síij, pokoj màas.
9.1 Iʾm [situated] here way kin yantaleʾ
9.2 I used to be [situated] there teʾ kin yantal kaʾachoʾ
9 Cauich But Iʾm [situated] here now. Pero way kin yantal bejlaʾeʾ.
Pero way kin yantal bejla'e'.
Pero wáy kin yantal bejlá'e'.
10.1 the first one... yáax un pʾéeleʾ
10.2 [what] we want to find out is that... k kʾáat k ojéelteʾ wáaj
10.3 what work baʾax meyjul
10.4 you are accustomed to doing [it] suuk a beetik teech
10 José The first [thing] we want to find out is...what work do you do? Yáax un pʾéeleʾ k kʾáat k ojéelteʾ wa baʾax meyjil suuk a beetik teech.
Yáax un p'éele' k k'áat k ojéeltej wa ba'ax meyjil suuk a beetik teech.
Yáax um p'éele' k k'áat k 'ojelte' wá ba'ax meyjil sùuk a bèetik tèech.
11.1 my work in meyaj
11.2 my work is [that of the] bush in meyajeʾ kʾáax
11.3 that is to say, es decir
11.4 principally principal
11 Cauich Me, my work is farming, that is to say, I work principally in the milpa. Teneʾ in meyajeʾ kʾáax, es decir tiʾ kool principal kin meyaj.
Tene' in meyaje' k'áax, es decir ti' kool principal kin meyaj.
Tene in meyaje k'áax, 'es desir tí' kòol prínsipàal kin meyaj.
12.1 you worked, you used to work j meyajnajech
12.2 you worked here way ka meyaj kaʾacheʾ
12.3 you were working táan a meyaj kaʾachij
12.4 you had worked tsʾoʾok a meyaj kaʾachij
12.5 you worked here, too way xan kaʾach ka meyajeʾ
12 Hernán But you worked here, too, didnʾt you? Pero way xan ka meyaj kaʾacheʾ, máasimaʾ.
Pero way xan ka meyaj ka'ache', máasima'.
Pero wáy xan ka meyaj ka'ache' máasima'.
13.1 do you [customarily] sleep at three? ka wenel wáa las tres
13.2 I used to kin wenel kaʾachij
13.3 did you sleep at three? j weenech wáa las tres
13.4 I did sleep j weenen
13.5 I was asleep, I was sleeping along j weenen kaʾachij
13.6 were you sleeping at three? táan wáa a wenel las tres kaʾachij
13.7 I was táan kaʾachij
13.8 I worked, I used to work kin meyaj kaʾachij
13.9 I worked for José tin meyajtaj kaʾach José
13.10 I worked for José kaʾacheʾ kin meyajtik José
13 Cauich Yes, I worked here. Jaaj, way kaʾach kin meyajeʾ.
Jaaj, way ka'ach kin meyaje'.
Jàaj, way ka'ach kin meyaje'.
14.1 please beet favor
14.2 please tell us about [it] beet favor a waʾalik toʾon u yoʾolal
14.3 about milpa work u yoʾolal u meyjul kool
14.4 I told j aʾalajnajen
14.5 I help kin wáantal
14.6 I helped j áantajnajen
14 José Well, please tell us about milpa work. Bueno, beet favor a waʾalik toʾon yoʾolal u meyjul kool.
Bueno, beet favor a wa'alik to'on u yo'olal u meyjul kool.
Bweno, bèet fabor a wa'alik to'on yo'olal u meyjul kòol.
15.1 trunk, main part chuun
15.2 day, sun kʾiin
15.3 morning chúunkʾin
15.4 be morning chunkʾintal
15.5 when it is morning... le ku chunkʾintaleʾ
15.6 one goes ku bin máak
15.7 he goes to the milpa ku bin ich kool
15.8 plot of ground terreno
15 Cauich When it is morning, one goes to the milpa. Le ku chunkʾiintaleʾ ku bin máak ich kool.
Le ku chunk'iintale' ku bin máak ich kool.
Le ku chúnk'iintale ku bin máak ich kool.
16.1 [some]thing baʾal
16.2 for him to eat u jaantej
16 José Does he take [some]thing to eat? ¿Ku bisik baʾal u jaantej?
¿Ku bisik ba'al u jaantej?
¿Ku bisik ba'al u jàantej?
17.1 yes
17.2 some people algunos
17.3 no more, no other no más
17.4 no other (more) than no más que
17.5 pozole [corn gruel] kʾeyem
17.6 nixtamal [corn dough] kʾuʾum
17 Cauich Yes. Some take [some]thing to eat, nothing more than just a little pozole. Sí, algunos ku bisik baʾal u jaantej, no más que chéen un pʾíit kʾeyem.
Sí, algunos ku bisik ba'al u jaantej no más que chéen un p'íit k'eyem.
Síij, 'álgunos ku bisik ba'al u jàantej no màas kej chéen um p'íit k'eyem.
18.1 principally máses
18.2 he prepares [it] ku preparartik
18.3 how is it prepared bix u preparartik
18 José Principally just pozole. And how is that pozole prepared? Máses chéen kʾeyem. ¿Bix túun u preparartaʾal le kʾeyemoʾ?
Máses chéen k'eyem. ¿Bix túun u prepararta'ale k'eyemo'?
Màases chen k'eyem. ¿Bix tún u préparàarta'al le k'eymo'?
19.1 container (gourd) luuch
19.2 a luch of pozole un pʾéel luuch kʾeyem
19.3 he dissolves [it] ku pukʾik
19.4 he mixes [it] ku xaʾakʾtik
19.5 in order to (make [it]) pass [it off] u tiʾal u máansik
19.6 hungry wiʾij
19.7 hunger wiʾijil
19 José One dissolves a small luch of pozole in water so as to postpone his hunger. Un pʾéel chan luuch kʾeyemeʾ ku pukʾik máak ich jaʾ u tiʾaʾal u chan máansik u wiʾijil.
Un p'éel chan luuch k'eyeme' ku puk'ik máak ich ja' u ti'a'al u chan máansik u wi'ijil.
Um p'é chan lùuch k'eyeme' ku puk'ik máak ich ja' 'u tí'al u chan máansik u wi'ijil.
20.1 dark éekʾjochʾeʾen
20.2 it gets dark ku yéekʾjochʾeʾental
20.3 it gets dusk ku yéekʾsameʾenchajal
20.4 when dusk comes... ku taal u yéekʾsameʾenchajaleʾ
20.5 he has lunch or supper ku almorzar
20.6 he returns to have supper ku suut ka almorzarnak
20 José When dusk comes, he returns home to have supper. Ku taal u yéekʾsameʾenchajaleʾ ku suut ka almorzarnak tu najil.
Ku taal u yéek'same'enchajale' ku suut ka'aj almorzarnak ti' u najil.
Ku tàal u yéek'same'enchajale' ku sùut ká 'álmorsàarnak tu nail.
21.1 place, region lugar
21.2 this place here le lugar teʾelaʾ
21.3 almost casi
21.4 harvest cosecha
21.5 it doesnʾt yield (give) [a] harvest máaʾ tech u tsʾáik cosecha
21.6 like jeʾe bix
21.7 north xaman
21.8 there farther north teʾ más xamanoʾ
21.9 south nojol
21.10 east chikʾin
21.11 west lakʾin
21 Hernán This region here almost doesnʾt yield a harvest like the lands there farther south, does it? Le lugar teʾelaʾ casi maʾa tech u tsʾáik cosecha jeʾe bix le luʾumoʾob teʾ más nojoloʾ, máasimaʾ.
Le lugar te'ela' casi ma'a tech u ts'áik cosecha je'e bix le lu'umo'ob temás nojolo', máasima'.
Le lugar te'ela' kaasij ma'a tech u ts'ij kosèechaj jé'e bix le lu'umob té más nojolo', máasima'.
22.1 always láiliʾeʾ
22.2 more than más que
22.3 two almuds (measures) kaʾa muut
22.4 end, maximum xuul
22.5 the maximum it yields corn u xuul u tsʾáik ixiʾim
22.6 kilogram kilo
22.7 kilograms kilos
22 Cauich Yes, there, consistently more than six almuds of corn is the maximum it yields. Forty kilograms. Jaaj, teʾeloʾ, láiliʾ más que seis almudes u xuul u tsʾáik ixiʾimeʾ. Cuarenta kilos.
Jaaj, te'elo', láili' más que seis álmudes u xuul u ts'áik ixi'ime'Cuarenta kilos.
Jàaj, te'elo', láili' màas kej seis álmudes u xùul u ts'áik ixi'ime'. Kwáarentaj kìilos.
23.1 yams iis
23.2 squash kʾúum
23.3 taro (macal) macal
23.4 yucca tsʾíim
23.5 sugar cane caña
23.6 seed neekʾ
23.7 watermelon sandía
23 Cauich We plant...uh...yams we plant macal, uh-h... corn, everything there! K pakʾik toʾon...este...iis k pakʾik toʾon macal...este ixiʾim...tu láakal k pakʾik teʾeloʾ.
pak'ik to'on...este...iis k pak'ik to'on macal...este ixi'im...tu láakal k pak'ik te'elo'.
K pak'ik to'on...este'...'ìis k pak'ik to'on makal...este' 'ixi'im...tu láka k pak'ik te'elo'.
24.1 I feed him kin tséentik
24.2 domestic animal, stock aalakʾ
24.3 wild animal baʾalcheʾ
24.4 man wíinik
24 Cauich As for the macal, we feed our animals with it, too. Le macaloʾ k tséentik k aalakʾ xan yéetel.
Le macalo' k tséentik k aalak' xan yéetel.
Le maklo' k tséentik k 'àalak' xan yéetej.
25.1 pig kʾéekʾen
25.2 goat chiiboj
25.3 sheep j taman
25.4 donkey burro
25.5 cow wakax
25 Cauich The squash is eaten by pigs. Le kʾúumoʾ ku jaantaʾal tumen kʾéekʾen.
Le k'úumo' ku jaanta'al tumen k'éek'en.
Le k'úumo' ku jàanta'al tumen k'éek'en.
26.1 mister señor
26.2 do you have sons [who] work with you yaan a hijos a wéet meyaj
26.3 by ourselves, alone t juunal
26.4 by myself, alone tin juunal
26.5 they alone tu juunoʾob
26.6 you alone ta juun
26.7 you work alone ka meyaj ta juun
26 José Mister Pech, do you have other sons who work with you or [do] you [just work] alone? Señor Pech, yaan u láakʾ a hijos a wéet meyaj, wa chéen ta juun beyaʾ.
Señor Pechyaan u láak' a hijos a wéet meyaj, wa chéen ti' a juun beya'.
Senyor Pèech, yan u láak' a 'ìijos a wéet meyaj, wá chén ta jùun beya'.
27.1 I just work alone chéen tin juun kin meyaj
27.2 son, boy (child) paal
27.3 sons (children) paalaloʾob
27.4 girls x-chʾúupalaloʾob
27.5 I donʾt have sons, you see minaʾan in paalal beyaʾ
27 Pech I just work alone--I donʾt have any sons, you see. Chéen tin juun kin meyaj--minaʾan in paalaloʾob beyaʾ.
Chéen ti' in juun kin meyaj mina'an in paalalo'ob beya'.
Chén tin jùun kin meyaj mina'an in pàalalo'ob beya'.
28.1 are the married? tsʾokaʾan wu beeloʾob
28.2 absolutely, per se de por sí
28 José Are they married or are there none? Tsʾokaʾan wáa u beeloʾob wa de por sí minaʾan.
Ts'oka'an wáa u beelo'ob wa de por sí mina'an.
Ts'oka'an wu bèelo'ob wá dé por sij mina'an.
29.1 I used to work there tiʾ kin meyaj kaʾachiʾ
29.2 I used to work there kin meyaj kaʾach teʾeloʾ
29.3 hamlet kajtalil
29 Pech None. I worked there in a hamlet named Xoy. Minaʾan. Tiʾ kin meyaj kaʾach teʾ un pʾéel kajtalil u kʾaabaʾeʾ Xoy.
Mina'an. Ti' kin meyaj ka'ach te' un p'éel kajtalil u k'aaba'e' Xoy.
Mina'an. Tí kin meyaj ka'ach té' um p'é kajtalil u k'àaba'e' xòoy.
30.1 so what? baʾaxeʾ
30 Pech But, so what, itʾs two years since we came here to [this] town. Pero, baʾaxeʾ tsʾoʾok dos años talakoʾon way kaajeʾ.
Pero, ba'axe' ts'o'ok dos años talako'on way kaaje'.
Pero, ba'axe' ts'o'ok dòos anyos tàaako'on way j kàaje'.
31.1 and y
31.2 and so it is that... y así es que
31.3 on account of this sickness I have tu yoʾolal le kʾojaʾanil yaan tenaʾ
31.4 it isnʾt possible mum paajtal
31.5 it isnʾt possible mum páajtal in seen meyaj
31 Pech And so it is, that on account of this sickness I have, I canʾt work very much. Y así es que teneʾ tu yoʾolal le kʾojaʾanil yaan tenaʾ mum páajtal in seen meyaj.
Y así es que tene' ti' u yo'olal le k'oja'anil yaan tena' ma'a u páajtal in seen meyaj.
I 'asi es ke' tene' ti y o'olal le k'oja'anil yàan tena' múm páajtal in sèen meyaj.
32.1 form, sort forma
32.2 way, means modo
32.3 the means of my working u modoil in meyaj
32.4 the form of my working u formail in meyaj
32.5 on account of this sickness tu yoʾolal le kʾojaʾanilaʾ
32 Pech I have no means [of working] on account of this sickness. Minaʾan teen u modoil tu yoʾolal le kʾojaʾanilaʾ.
Mina'an teen u modoil ti'u yo'olal le k'oja'anila'.
Mina'an ten u mòodójil tu yo'olal le k'oja'anila'.
33.1 it drags on ku tʾíilil
33.2 it has become chronic tsʾu crónicar
33.3 it has cost me tsʾu tojoltik teen
33.4 so much, a lot cantidad
33 Pech It has dragged on. Itʾs chronic. It has cost so me much. Tsʾu tʾíilil, tsʾu crónicar, tsʾu tojoltik teen bajun.
Ts'o'ok u t'íilil, ts'o'ok u crónicar, ts'o'ok u tojoltik teen bajun.
Ts'ú t'íilil, ts'ú króonikàar, ts'ú tojoltik ten bajun.
34.1 itʾs been years tsʾu beetik años
34 Pech Itʾs been ten years. Tsʾu beetik diez años.
Ts'o'ok u beetik diez años.
Ts'u bèetik dyèes 'anyos.
35.1 so that de manera que
35.2 son-in-law yerno
35.3 daughter-in-law ilib
35.4 grandchild, either sex áabil
35.5 grandfather abuelo
35.6 grandmother abuela
35 Pech So that now Iʾm here at my daughterʾs. De manera que beʾooráaʾ way yanen tu yiknal in hijaeʾ.
De manera que be'ooráa' way yanen ti' u yiknal in hijae'.
De manéra ke' be'òorája way yanen tu yiknal in íijáje'.
36.1 or rather, that is to say mejor dicho
36.2 the fact is chéen le jaaj
36.3 dead kimen
36.4 widow viuda
36.5 widower viudo
36.6 orphan huérfano
36 Pech Or rather, the fact is, Iʾm a widower. Mejor dicho chéen le jaaj, viudoen.
Mejor dicho chéen le jaaj, viudoen.
Mejor dìicho' chén le jàaj, byùudójen.
37.1 only that one jaʾalij letiʾeʾ
37.2 only that one is living jaʾalij letiʾ kuxaʾaneʾ
37 Pech Just that one is the only one left me. Chéen jaʾalij letiʾ kuxaʾan tiʾ teneʾ.
Chéen ja'alij leti' kuxa'an ti' tene'.
Chén ja'ali letí' kuxa'an tí' tene'.
38.1 all are dead lajkimenoʾob
38.2 all died lajkíimoʾob
38.3 everyone went lajbinoʾob
38.4 everyone studied lajxooknajoʾob
38 Pech Her younger siblings all died. Lajkimen u yíitsʾinoʾob.
Láajkimen u yíits'ino'ob.
Lájkimen u yíts'no'ob.