Lesson 18: Drills

Dependent Verb Forms

Dependent Perfect

Subordinating Future

Subordinate-Subordinating Future

Anterior Aspect

    1. kin meyaj 
    1. kin xook waye. 
    1. way kin xookeʾ 
    1. teʾ kin xookoʾ 
    1. tiʾ kin meyajiʾ. 
    1. bey in meyajaʾ 
    1. bey u meyajoʾ 

Future with k--n

I am the one who will go. 
Teen kin j bin. 
You are the one who will plant. 
Teech kan j pakʾal. 
He is the one who will drink. 
Letiʾ kun j ukʾul. 
We are the ones who will lie down. 
Toʾon ken j chital. 
We (and you) are the ones who will sit down. 
Toʾoneʾex keneʾex kutal. 
You all are the ones who will live. 
Teʾex kaneʾex kuxtal. 
They are the ones who will die. 
Letiʾoʾob kunoʾob j kíimil. 
I am the one who will do [it]. 
Teen kin j beetik. 
You are the one who will see us. 
Teech kan j ilikoʾon. 
He's the one who will say [it]. 
Letiʾ kun j aʾalik. 
We are the ones who will hear you. 
Toʾon ken j uʾuyikech. 
We (and you) are the ones who will bring them. 
Toʾoneʾex keneʾex taasikoʾob. 
You all are the ones who will kill me. 
Teʾex kaneʾex kíinsiken. 
They are the ones who will serve them. 

Independent Verbs after ká 'and'

Baʾax kʾiin ka j kíimij. 
What day were you born? 
Baʾax kʾiin ka j síijech. 
How old were you when you began? 
Jay pʾéel años yaan teech ka j káajech. 
How old was he when he did [it]? 
Jay pʾéel años yaan tiʾ ka tu beetaj. 
What hour did you see me? 
Baʾax hora ka ta wilajen. 
It was 9 o'clock, when I lay down.
Las nueve ka j chilajen. 
Where did he go, when he went out? 
Tuʾux bin ka j jóokʾij. 
It was really late at night, when we arrived. 
Jach áakʾabchaj ka j kʾuchoʾon. 

Verbs Dependent on kén 'when'

    1. It will be 9 o'clock, when we lie down. 
    2. Las nueve ken chilakoʾon. 
    1. What day [will it be], when he dies? 
    2. Baʾax kʾiin ken kíimik. 
    1. When will I get sick? 
    2. Baʾax kʾiin ken kʾojaʾanchajaken 
    1. When will I see you? 
    2. Baʾax kʾiin ken in wilech. 
    1. When will you sell me [it]? 
    2. Baʾax kʾiin ken a kon teen. 
    1. When will he visit us? 
    2. Baʾax kʾiin ken u xíimbatoʾon. 

Abstract Nouns in -il and -el

    1. What is that disease he has? 
    2. Baʾax le kʾojaʾanil yaan tiʾoʾ. 
    1. What medicine shall I give him? 
    2. Baʾax tsʾaakil ken in tsʾa tiʾ. 
    1. What meat do you want to buy? 
    2. Baʾax bakʾil a kʾáat a manej. 
    1. What work are you looking for? Play
    2. Baʾax meyjil ka kaxtik. 
    1. A lot [of] my blood went out, as I was coming here.
    2. Yaʾab in kʾiʾikʾel jóokʾ táan in taal wayeʾ.
    1. That is the blood of a horse. 
    2. Leloʾ u kʾiʾikʾel un túul tsíimin. 

Any ..., ...ever

    1. Any day... 
    2. Jeʾ baʾalak kʾiineʾ. 
    1. Wherever you want. 
    2. Jeʾ tuʾuxak a kʾáateʾ. 
    1. Anyone he wants. 
    2. Jeʾ máaxak u kʾáateʾ.