1.1 |
excuse me! |
saʾates teen |
1.2 |
sir |
taat |
1.3 |
Xocenpich |
Xocenpich |
1.4 |
it goes to Xocenpich |
ku bin Xocenpich |
1.5 |
this road here |
le bej jeʾelaʾ |
1 |
José |
Excuse me, sir, does this road go to Xocenpich? |
Saʾates teen, taat, ¿ku bin Xocenpich le bej jeʾelaʾ? |
▲ |
▼ |
Sa'ates teen, taat, ¿ku bin Xocenpich le bej je'ela'? |
Sa'ates ten, tàat, ¿ku bin xokempìich le be je'ela'? |
2.1 |
no, indeed! |
maʾa tech |
2.2 |
not it |
maʾ letiʾiʾ |
2 |
Stranger |
No, indeed, not this one. |
Maʾ tech, maʾ letiʾiʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma'a tech, ma' leti'i'. |
Ma'a tech, ma' leti'i'. |
3.1 |
left |
x-tsʾíik |
3.2 |
on your left |
ta x-tsʾíik |
3.3 |
right |
x-noʾoj |
3.4 |
on your right |
ta x-noʾoj |
3.5 |
that road |
letiʾ le bejoʾ |
3.6 |
that [one] which is on your left |
letiʾ le yaan ta x-tsʾíikoʾ. |
3.7 |
youʾll take it |
letiʾ ken a bisej |
3 |
Stranger |
The one of your left is the one youʾll take. |
Letiʾ le yaan ta x-tsʾíikoʾ, letiʾ ken a bisej. |
▲ |
▼ |
Leti' le yaan ti' a x-ts'íiko', leti' ken a bisej. |
Leti e yan ta x-ts'íiko', leti ken a bisej. |
4.1 |
far |
náach |
4.2 |
near |
naatsʾ |
4.3 |
[from] here |
wayeʾ |
4 |
José |
Is it far from here? |
Náach wáa wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Náach wáa waye'. |
Náach wá waye'. |
5.1 |
league |
lúub |
5.2 |
two leagues |
kaʾa lúub |
5 |
Stranger |
Not very far. I think [itʾs] about two leagues. |
Maʾ seen náachiʾ, in tukulikeʾ míin kaʾa lúub. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma' seen náachi', in tukulike' míin ka'a lúub. |
Ma' sèen náachi', in tuklike míin ká'a lúub. |
6.1 |
it is possible |
ku páajtal |
6.2 |
you arrive |
ka kʾuchul |
6.3 |
it is possible for you to arrive |
ku páajtal a kʾuchul |
6.4 |
hour |
hora |
6.5 |
two hours |
kaʾa pʾéel hora |
6.6 |
in two hours |
ichil kaʾa pʾéel hora |
6.7 |
[by] walking |
xíimbalil |
6 |
Stranger |
You can get there in two hours [by] walking. |
Ku páajtal a kʾuchul ichil kaʾa pʾéel hora xíimbalil. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ku páajtal a k'uchul ichil ka'a p'éel hora xíimbalil. |
Ku páajtal a k'uchul ich ká'a p'é 'òoraj xíimbalil. |
7.1 |
[over] there |
teʾeloʾ |
7 |
José |
And the road over there, where does it go? |
Kux túun le bej teʾeloʾ. Tuʾux ku bin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Kux túun le bej te'elo'. Tu'ux ku bin. |
Kux túun le bej te'elo'. Tu'ux ku bin. |
8.1 |
Valladolid |
Sakiʾ |
8.2 |
Chichén Itzá |
Chichén Itzá |
8.3 |
Piste |
Piste |
8.4 |
Chan Kom |
Chan Kom |
8.5 |
Cantamayec |
Cantamayec |
8.6 |
Mérida |
Joʾ |
8.7 |
Dzitás |
Dzitás |
8 |
Stranger |
It goes to Valladolid. |
Ku bin Sakiʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ku bin Saki'. |
Ku bin saki'. |
9 |
José |
Thank you, sir. |
Dios boʾotik teech taat. |
▲ |
▼ |
Dios bo'otik teech taat. |
Dyos bo'otik tech tàat. |
10.1 |
[native] of here |
wayileʾ |
10.2 |
youʾre of here |
wayilecheʾ |
10.3 |
you (pl.)ʾre of here |
wayileʾexeʾ |
10 |
Stranger |
You (pl.) arenʾt from here, are you? Are you from here? |
Teʾexeʾ maʾ wayileʾexeʾ, máasimaʾ. Wayileʾex wáaʾeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Te'exe' ma' wayile'exe', máasima'. Wayile'ex wáae'. |
Te'exe ma' wayile'exe', máasima'. Wayile'ex wáe'. |
11.1 |
[native] of Yucatán |
yucatánil |
11.2 |
we are of Yucatán |
yucatániloʾon |
11 |
José |
No, we arenʾt from Yucatán. |
Maʾ, maʾ yucatániloʾoniʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma', ma' yucatánilo'oni'. |
Ma', má yúucatàanilo'oni'. |
12.1 |
solely |
puro |
12.2 |
American |
americano |
12.3 |
we are Americans |
americanosoʾon |
12 |
José |
We are solely Americans. |
Puro americanosoʾon. |
▲ |
▼ |
Puro americanoso'on. |
Puro 'ámerikàanoso'on. |
13.1 |
of Piste |
pisteil |
13 |
José |
And you, sir, are you from Piste? |
Kux teech taat, pisteilech wáaj. |
▲ |
▼ |
Kux teech taat, pisteilech wáaj. |
Kux tèech tàat, p'isteilech wáaj. |
14.1 |
as a matter of fact... |
tóojkabileʾ |
14.2 |
Peto |
Peto |
14.3 |
[native] of Peto |
petoil |
14.4 |
Iʾm from Peto |
petoilen |
14.5 |
I work here |
way kin meyajeʾ |
14 |
Stranger |
Well, as a matter of fact, Iʾm from Peto, but I work here. |
Pues, tóojkabileʾ, teneʾ petoilen pero way kin meyajeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pues, tóojkabile', tene' petoilen pero way kin meyaje'. |
Pwes, tóojkabile', tene pèetóilen peroj way kin meyaje'. |
15.1 |
your son |
a hijo |
15 |
Stranger |
Is this your son? |
A hijo wáa lelaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
A hijo wáa lela'. |
'A ìijo wá lela'. |
16.1 |
my friend |
in amigo |
16 |
José |
No, heʾs just my friend. |
Maʾa tech letiʾeʾ chéen in amigo. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma'a tech leti'e' chéen in amigo. |
Ma'a tech leti'e chen in 'ámigoj. |
17.1 |
reason |
oʾolal |
17.2 |
for what reason? |
baʾax oʾolal |
17.3 |
you (pl.) come here |
ka taaleʾex wayeʾ |
17 |
Stranger |
Why do you come here? |
Baʾax oʾolal ka taaleʾex wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ba'ax o'olal ka taale'ex waye'. |
Ba'ax o'olal ka tàale'ex waye'. |
18.1 |
for [the] reason |
tiʾ yoʾolal |
18.2 |
I want to learn [it] |
in kʾáat in kanej |
18 |
José |
Because I want to learn Maya. |
Tu yoʾolal in kʾáat in kan mayaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ti' u yo'olal in k'áat in kan maya'. |
T yolal in k'áat in kan màayaj. |
19.1 |
why? |
baʾaxten |
19.2 |
youʾre anxious to learn it |
taak a kanik |
19 |
Stranger |
Why are you anxious to learn Maya? |
Baʾaxten taak a kanik mayaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ba'axten taak a kanik maya'. |
Ba'axten tàak a kanik màayaj. |
20.1 |
because |
tumen |
20.2 |
ear |
xikin |
20.3 |
good to my ear |
uts tin xikin |
20 |
José |
Because I like this Indian tongue! |
Tumen uts tin xikin le máasewáal tʾaanaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Tumen uts ti' in xikin le máasewáal t'aana'. |
Tumen uts tin xikin le máasewal t'àana'. |
21.1 |
how many days? |
jay pʾéel kʾiin |
21.2 |
you (pl.) have been |
yanakeʾex |
21 |
Stranger |
How long have you been here? |
Jay pʾéel kʾiin yanakeʾex wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jay p'éel k'iin yanake'ex waye'. |
Jay p'é k'ìin yanake'ex waye'. |
22.1 |
more than |
más tiʾ |
22.2 |
a month |
un mes |
22.3 |
a year |
un año |
22.4 |
weʾve been |
yanakoʾon |
22 |
José |
Weʾve been here more than a month. |
Más tiʾ un pʾéel mes yanakoʾon wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Más ti' un p'éel mes yanako'on waye'. |
Màas tí un p'é mèes yanako'on waye'. |
23.1 |
almost |
taʾitak |
23.2 |
two months |
dos meses |
23.3 |
two years |
dos años |
23 |
José |
Almost two months. |
Taʾitak dos meses. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ta'itak dos meses. |
Ta'itak dòos meses. |
24.1 |
as for you |
techeʾ |
24.2 |
you get accustomed |
ka suuktal |
24.3 |
will you get accustomed? |
jeʾ wáa a suuktaleʾ |
24.4 |
here [in] Yucatan |
way Yucatáneʾ |
24 |
Stranger |
Will you get accustomed [to it] here in Yucatán? |
Techeʾ jeʾ wáa a suuktal way Yucatáneʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Teche' je'el wáa a suuktal way Yucatáne'. |
Teche jé wá sùuktal way yúukatàane'. |
25.1 |
who knows? |
ken saj bixij |
25.2 |
I believe |
míin |
25.3 |
it may be |
jeʾ waleʾ |
25.4 |
not long (perhaps) |
maʾ xaniʾ |
25 |
José |
Who knows? I believe so. Perhaps. |
Ken sa bixij. Míin jeʾ waleʾ. Maʾ xaniʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ken saj bixij. Míin je' wale'. Ma' xani'. |
Ken sá bixij. Míin jé' wale'. Ma' xàani'. |
26.1 |
you stay |
ka pʾáatal |
26.2 |
will you stay? |
jeʾ wáa a pʾáataleʾ |
26.3 |
so...then |
beyoʾ |
26.4 |
here |
wayeʾ |
26 |
Stranger |
So youʾll stay here then? |
Jeʾ wáa a pʾáatal bey wayoʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Je'el wáa a p'áatal bey wayo'. |
Jé wá a p'áatal bey wayo'. |
27.1 |
I wish |
kexiʾeʾ |
27.2 |
I want to stay |
in kʾáat pʾáatal |
27.3 |
the thing is |
baʾaleʾ |
27 |
José |
I wish I could... Iʾd like to stay, but I canʾt. I have to go. |
Kexiʾeʾ, in kʾáat pʾáatal, baʾaleʾ maʾ tu páajtal, yan in bin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Kexi'e', in k'áat p'áatal, ba'ale' ma' tu páajtal, yan in bin. |
Kexi'e', 'in k'áat p'áatal, ba'ale má t u páajtal, yan in bin. |
28 |
Stranger |
Oh, you have to go! |
Áaj, yan a bin! |
▲ |
▼ |
Áaj, yan a bin! |
'Áa, yan a bin! |
29.1 |
Itʾs not possible |
maʾ tu páajtal |
29.2 |
we go back |
k suut |
29.3 |
we go back again |
k kaʾa suut |
29.4 |
land |
luʾum |
29.5 |
to my land |
tin luʾum |
29.6 |
to our land |
t luʾum |
29 |
José |
Yes! We go back again to our country. |
¡Bix maʾij! K kaʾa suut t luʾum. |
▲ |
▼ |
¡Bix ma'ij! K ka'a suut t lu'um. |
¡Bix ma'ij! K ká'a sùut t lu'um. |
30.1 |
how long? (how many days?) |
jay pʾéel kʾiin |
30.2 |
you (pl.) will do [it] |
teʾex ken a meenteʾex |
30 |
Stranger |
How long will you be here? |
Jay pʾéel kʾiin ken a meenteʾex wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jay p'éel k'iin ken a meente'ex waye'. |
Jay p'é k'ìin kén a mèente'ex waye'. |
31.1 |
what day? |
baʾax kʾiin |
31 |
Stranger |
When do you go? |
Baʾax kʾiin a bin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ba'ax k'iin a bin. |
Ba'ax k'iin a bin. |
32.1 |
few |
tsʾeʾetsʾek |
32.2 |
in [a] few days |
ich tsʾeʾetsʾek kʾiin |
32.3 |
I leave |
kin jóokʾol |
32 |
José |
Well, we leave in a few days. |
Pues, toʾoneʾ ich tsʾeʾetsʾek kʾiin k jóokʾol. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pues, to'one' ich ts'e'ets'ek k'iin k jóok'ol. |
Pwes, to'one ich ts'e'ets'ek k'ìin k jóok'ol. |
33.1 |
at your home |
ta najil |
33 |
Stranger |
How many days for you to arrive home? |
Jay pʾéel kʾiin a kʾuchul ta najil. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jay p'éel k'iin a k'uchul ti' a najil. |
Jay p'é k'ìin a k'uchul ta nail. |
34.1 |
three |
tres |
34.2 |
six |
seis |
34.3 |
perhaps... |
waleʾ |
34 |
José |
In three days, perhaps. |
Ichil tres días waleʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ichil tres días wale'. |
'Ichil trèes días wale'. |
35.1 |
its way |
u bejil |
35.2 |
you know the way |
a wojel u bejil |
35 |
Companion(s) |
Do you know the way to Xocenpich? |
¿A wojel u bejil Xocenpich? |
▲ |
▼ |
¿A wojel u bejil Xocenpich? |
¿'A wojel u bejil xocempich? |
36.1 |
I know [it] |
in wojel |
36.2 |
to |
tiʾ |
36.3 |
[peasant] farmer |
j-koolnáal |
36 |
José |
Yes, thanks to that farmer! |
In wojel, dios boʾotik tiʾ le j-koolnáaloʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
In wojel, dios bo'otik ti' le j-koolnáalo'. |
In wojel, dyos bo'otik tí le j kòolnáalo'. |
37.1 |
now... |
beʾooráaeʾ |
37.2 |
itʾll surely be possible |
jeʾ u páajtaleʾ |
37.3 |
I find [it] |
kin kaxtik |
37.4 |
itʾll surely be possible for me to find [it] |
jeʾ u páajtal in kaxtikeʾ |
37 |
José |
Now, I can surely find it. |
Beʾooráaeʾ jeʾ u páajtal in kaxtikeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Be'ooráae' je'el u páajtal in kaxtike'. |
Be'òoráe' jé' u páajtal in kaxtike'. |