Lesson 8: Conversation


José meets a stranger and greets him. The stranger asks José where he's going. José replies that he's going to Mérida. The stranger says he's just coming from Mérida and asks whether the road goes to Xocempich. José replies that this one doesn't but that that one does. The stranger asks how far it is to Xocempich. José replies that he thinks it's about two leagues. He says that he can get there in about two hours on foot. Farther on, the stranger sees another road and asks José where that one goes. José replies that it goes to Dzitás. The stranger asks whether that's far. José says it isn't.


José looks carefully at the stranger and remarks that he isn't from here. The stranger says that he's not from Yucatan. José asks where he does come from and the stranger says that he and his companions are from the United States. The stranger asks if José is from Mérida. José says that he isn't, that he's from Pisté, and that he just works in Mérida. The stranger asks José if his companion is his son and José says that he isn't, that he's a friend of his, a fellow-worker, and that the two of them are going to Mérida. The stranger asks if José's friend works in Mérida, too. José says no, that his friend is just going shopping in Mérida.


José asks the stranger what he's doing in Yucatan. The stranger says he wants to learn Maya. José asks him why and the stranger replies that he likes the language. José asks if the Maya language doesn't seem strange to him. The stranger says that it is a little strange. José asks how long the stranger and his companions have been in Yucatan. The stranger says it's been almost three months. José says they speak Maya well and asks how long they will stay there. The stranger says they'd like to stay but that they must go back. José asks how long it will take them. The stranger says that it may take five days. José asks the stranger if he can now find the road to Xocempich. The stranger replies that he can, thanks to José.