Lesson 7: Basic Sentences

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1.1 good morning! buenos días
1.2 Don Hernán Don Hernán
1 José Good morning, Don Hernán! ¡Buenos días, Don Hernán!
¡Buenos días, Don Hernán!
¡Bwenos días, don 'ernán!
2.1 he enters ku yokol
2.2 enter! ooken!
2.3 home otoch
2.4 in your home ta wotoch
2.5 you are yanech
2.6 youʾre in your home ta wotoch yanech
2 Hernán Good morning, Don José! Come in! Make yourself at home! ¡Buenos días, Don José! ¡Ooken! ¡Ta wotoch yanech!
¡Buenos días, Don José! ¡Ooken! ¡Ti' a wotoch yanech!
¡Bwenos días, Don José! ¡'Òoken! ¡Ta wotoch yanech!
3.1 you buy [it] ka manik
3.2 youʾll buy [it] teech ken a manej
3.3 youʾll take [it] teech ken a bisej
3 Hernán Whatʾll you buy? Whatʾll you take? Baʾax ken a manej. Baʾax ken a bisej.
Ba'ax ken a manej. Ba'ax ken a bisej.
Ba'ax ken a manej. Ba'ax ken a bisej.
4.1 you want a kʾáat
4.2 you want to buy [it] a kʾáat a manej
4.3 you want me to buy [it] a kʾáat ka in manej
4 José What do you want me to buy? Baʾax a kʾáat ka in manej.
Ba'ax a k'áat ka'aj in manej.
Ba'ax a k'áat ká in manej.
5.1 I want to buy [it] in kʾáat in manej
5.2 I want you to buy [it] in kʾáat ka a manej
5 Hernán What do I want you to buy? All these things. Baʾax a kʾáat ka a manej. Tu láakal le baʾaloʾobaʾ.
Ba'ax a k'áat ka'aj a manej. Ti' u láakal le ba'alo'oba'.
Ba'ax a k'áat ká a manej. Tu láakal le ba'aloba'.
6.1 I donʾt want [it] maʾ in kʾáatiʾ
6.2 I donʾt want to buy [it] maʾ in kʾáat in maniʾ
6 José I donʾt want to buy those things. Maʾ in kʾáat in man le baʾaloʾoboʾ.
Ma' in k'áat in man le ba'alo'obo'.
Má in k'áat in man e ba'alobo'.
7.1 I come kin taal
7.2 I came j taalen
7.3 I visit [him] kin xíimbaltik
7.4 I visit you kin xíimbaltikech
7.5 I come to visit [him] kin taal in xíimbaltej
7.6 I came to visit you j taalen in xíimbaltech
7 José I just came to visit you. Chéen j taalen in xíimbaltech.
Chéen j taalen in xíimbaltech.
Chéen tàalen in xíimbatech.
8.1 I chat kin tsikbal
8.2 I want to chat in kʾáat tsikbal
8.3 with [him] yéetel
8.4 with you ta wéetel
8 José I just want to chat with you. Chéen in kʾáat tsikbal ta wéetel.
Chéen in k'áat tsikbal ti' a wéetel.
Chén in k'át tsikbal ta wéetel.
9.1 sit down! kulen
9.2 youʾre in a condition yanilech
9.3 how are you? bix yanilech
9 Hernán Fine! Sit down! How are you? ¡Maʾalob! ¡Kulen! Bix yanilech.
¡Ma'alob! ¡Kulen! Bix yanilech.
¡Má'alob! ¡Kulen! Bix yanilech.
10a José Fine, thank you! ¡Maʾalob, dios boʾotik!
¡Ma'alob, dios bo'otik!
¡Má'alob, dyos bo'otik!
10b José Say [Listen], Don Hernán, what's the name of that thing? Uʾuyej, Don Hernán, baʾax u kʾaabaʾ le baʾaloʾ.
U'uyej, Don Hernán, ba'ax u k'aaba' le ba'alo'.
'U'uye, don 'ernan, ba'ax u k'àaba' le ba'alo'.
11.1 its name is... u kʾaabaʾeʾ
11.2 bucket chʾóoy
11 Hernán That is called a bucket. Leloʾ u kʾaabaʾeʾ chʾóoy.
Lelo' u k'aaba'e' ch'óoy.
Lelo u k'àaba'e ch'óoy.
12.1 I forgot tuʾub teen
12.2 itʾs necessary kʾabéet
12.3 I buy [it] kin manik
12.4 I need to buy [it] kʾabéet in manik
12.5 it is said ku yaʾalaʾal
12.6 rope (Spanish word) soga
12 José I forgot. I have to buy a bucket and...how is it said in Maya...a rope? Tuʾub teen. Kʾabéet in manik un pʾéel chʾóoy yéetel...bix u yaʾalaʾal ich mayaʾ...soga.
Tu'ub ten. K'abéet in manik un p'éel ch'óoy yéetel...bix u ya'ala'al ich maya'...soga.
Tu'ub ten. K'abéet in manik um p'é ch'óoy yéetej...bix u ya'alal ich màayaj...sòogaj.
13.1 rope suum
13 Hernán Well, itʾs called suum. Pues, ku yaʾalaʾal suum.
Pues, ku ya'ala'al suum.
Pwes, ku ya'alal sùum.
14.1 how much is it? bajux
14.2 price tojol
14.3 itʾs necessary kʾabéet
14.4 for me tiʾ teen
14.5 I need kʾabéet teen
14 José Well, I need [a] rope, too. How much is it? Bueno, kʾabéet teen suum xan. Bajux u tojol.
Bueno, k'abéet teen suum xan. Bajux u tojol.
Bweno, k'abéet ten sùum xan. Bajux u tojol.
15.1 seven siete
15.2 peso peso
15.3 seven pesos siete pesos
15 Hernán This one costs seven pesos. Lelaʾ siete pesos u tojol.
Lela' siete pesos u tojol.
Lela' syèetej pesos u tojol.
16.1 letʾs koʾox
16.2 I see [it] kin wilik
16.3 other u láakʾ
16.4 banana jaʾas
16.5 avacado oon
16.6 papaya puut
16.7 chilli iik
16.8 maize ixiʾim
16.9 beans buʾul
16.10 tomato pʾaak
16.11 salt taʾab
16 José Letʾs see what else I need. Koʾox ilik baʾax u láakʾ kʾabéet teen.
Ko'ox ilik ba'ax u láak' k'abéet teen.
Ko'ox ilik ba'ax u láak' k'abéet ten.
17.1 honey kaab
17.2 chocolate chukwaʾ
17 Hernán Do you need honey or chocolate? ¿Kʾabéet teech kaab wa chukwaʾ?
¿K'abéet teech kaab wa chukwa'?
¿K'abéet tech kàab wá chukwa'?
18.1 it wants to say [it] u kʾáat u yaʾalej
18 José What does chukwa mean? Baʾax u kʾáat u yaʾal chukwaʾ.
Ba'ax u k'áat u ya'al chukwa'.
Ba'ax u k'áat i al chukwa'.
19.1 chocolate... chukwaʾeʾ
19.2 it means... u kʾáat u yaʾaleʾ
19 Hernán Chukwa means chocolate. Chukwaʾeʾ u kʾáat u yaʾaleʾ chocolate.
Chukwa'e' u k'áat u ya'ale' chocolate.
Chukwa'e' u k'áat i a'ale' chóokolàatej.
20 José And kaab, what does it mean? Kux túun kaab, baʾax u kʾáat u yaʾalej.
Kux túun kaab, ba'ax u k'áat u ya'alej.
Kux túun kàab, ba'ax u k'át i alej.
21.1 English... inglés
21.2 in English... ich ingléseʾ
21 Hernán It means, in English, honey. U kʾáat u yaʾal ich ingléseʾ honey.
k'áat u ya'al ich inglése' honey.
U k'át i al ich íinglese' honey.
22.1 thirsty ukʾaj
22.2 you want to drink [it] a kʾáat a wukʾej
22.3 you want to drink a kʾáat ukʾul
22 Hernán Are you thirsty? Would you like to drink? ¿Ukʾajech? ¿A kʾáat ukʾul?
¿Uk'ajech? ¿A k'áat uk'ul?
¿Uk'ajech? ¿A k'áat uk'ul?
23.1 why not? bix maʾij
23.2 give me! tsʾa teen
23.3 water jaʾ
23.4 I drink [it] kin wukʾik
23.5 give me water to drink tsʾa teen jaʾ in wukʾej
23 José Sure! Give me some water to drink! Bix maʾij. ¡Tsʾa teen un pʾíit jaʾ in wukʾej!
Bix ma'ij. ¡Ts'a teen un p'íit ja' in wuk'ej!
Bix ma'ij. ¡Ts'áa ten um p'íit ja' in wuk'ej!
24.1 I need to go kʾabéet in bin
24.2 now beʾooráaʾ
24 José Well, I need to go now. Maʾalob, kʾabéet in bin beʾooráaʾ.
Ma'alob, k'abéet in bin be'ooráa'.
Má'alob, k'abét im bin be'òorája'.
25.1 I help [him] kin wáantik
25.2 I go to help [him] kin bin in wáantej
25.3 I go to help my companion kin bin in wáant in wéet taal
25 José I must go help that companion of mine. Yan in bin in wáant le in wéet taaloʾ.
Yan in bin in wáant le in wéet taalo'.
Yan im bin in wáant in wéet tàalo'.
26.1 if wáaj
26.2 if you want to... wáa a kʾáateʾ
26.3 Iʾll take you jeʾ in bisikecheʾ
26.4 Iʾll take you to see [it] jeʾ in bisikech a wileʾ
26.5 house (inside) taanaj
26 José If you want, Iʾll take you to see my house. Wáa a kʾáateʾ, jeʾ in bisikech a wil in taanajoʾ.
Wáa a k'áate', je'el in bisikech a wil in taanajo'.
Wá a k'áate', jé im biskech a wil in tanajo'.
27.1 Iʾll help you jeʾ in wáantikecheʾ
27 Hernán Very well, letʾs go! Iʾll help with these things. Seen maʾalob. ¡Koʾox! Jeʾ in wáantikech yéetel le baʾaloʾobaʾ.
Seen ma'alob. ¡Ko'oxJe'el in wáantikech yéetel le ba'alo'oba'.
Sèen má'alob. ¡Ko'ox! Jé in wáantikech yéetel e ba'aloba'.