1.1 |
I pass |
kin máan |
1.2 |
I pass [it] |
kin máansik |
1.3 |
what passes? |
baʾax ku máan |
1.4 |
today |
u kʾiin |
1.5 |
what passes today? |
baʾax ku máan u kʾiin |
1 |
José |
Hi, Don Marcelino! Whatʾs new? |
Hola Don Marcelino, baʾax ku máan u kʾiin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Hola Don Marcelino, ba'ax ku máan u k'iin. |
Ólaj don marcelino, ba'ax ku máan u k'ìin. |
2.1 |
I came to tell you [it] |
j taalen in waʾal teech |
2.2 |
that he come over |
ka kʾuchuk |
2.3 |
that he leave |
ka jóokʾok |
2.4 |
that he enter |
ka okok |
2.5 |
that he come |
ka talak |
2.6 |
that you come |
ka talakech |
2.7 |
that you come to see [him] |
ka talakech a wilej |
2.8 |
that you come to see my father |
ka talakech a wil in papa |
2 |
Marcelino |
Well, as a matter of fact, Don José, I came to tell you to come and see my father. |
Pues tóojkabileʾ Don José, j taalen in waʾal teech ka talakech a wil in papa. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pues tóojkabile' Don José, j taalen in wa'al teech ka'aj talakech a wil in papa. |
Pwes tóojkabile don josej, j taalen in wa'al tech ká talakech a wil im papaj. |
3.1 |
itʾs two days |
tsʾoʾok kaʾa pʾéel kʾiin |
3.2 |
he took sick |
kʾojaʾanchajij |
3.3 |
itʾs two days [since] he took sick |
tsʾoʾok kaʾa pʾéel kʾiin kʾojaʾanchajak |
3 |
Marcelino |
Itʾs two days since he took really sick. |
Yaan kaʾa pʾéel kʾiin seen kʾojaʾachajak. |
▲ |
▼ |
Yaan ka'a p'éel k'iin seen k'oja'achajak. |
Yan ká'a p'é k'ìin sèen k'oja'achajak. |
4.1 |
heʾs gotten well |
tsʾoʾok u maʾalobchajal |
4.2 |
he hasnʾt gotten well |
maʾ maʾalobchajakiʾ |
4.3 |
that father of yours hasnʾt gotten well |
maʾ maʾalobchajak a papaoʾ |
4 |
José |
Hasnʾt your father gotten well, Marcelino? |
Maʾ wáa maʾalobchajak a papaoʾ, Marcelino. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma' wáa ma'alobchajak a papao', Marcelino. |
Má wá ma'alobchajak a papajo, marselíno. |
5.1 |
heʾs getting sick |
tun kʾojaʾantal |
5.2 |
heʾs getting more so |
tun mástal |
5.3 |
worse |
peor |
5.4 |
heʾs getting worse |
tun peorchajal |
5.5 |
as I see [it]... |
teneʾ in wilikeʾ |
5 |
José |
Well, no. As I see it, heʾs getting worse. |
Pues, maʾ. Teneʾ in wilikeʾ tun peorchajal. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pues, ma'. Tene' in wilike' táan u peorchajal. |
Pwes, ma'. Tene 'in wilke túm péorchajal. |
6.1 |
right away |
beʾooráaʾ |
6.2 |
Iʾll come right away |
beʾoora kin taalaʾ |
6.3 |
Iʾll come to see [him] right away |
beʾoora kin taal in wilaʾ |
6 |
José |
Iʾll come to see him right away. Tell him. |
Beʾoorá kin taal in wilaʾ. Aʾal tiʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Be'oorá kin taal in wila'. A'al ti'. |
Be'òorá kin tàal in wila'. A'al tí'. |
7.1 |
O.K., then |
jeʾeloʾ |
7 |
Marcelino |
O.K. then, I guess Iʾll go. |
Jeʾeloʾ, paʾatik in bin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Je'elo', pa'atik in bin. |
Je'elo, pa'atik in bin. |
8.1 |
here it is |
jeʾelaʾ |
8.2 |
here I am |
jeʾelenaʾ |
8.3 |
here I came |
jeʾ j taalenaʾ |
8.4 |
here I came to see [him] |
jeʾ j taalen in wilaʾ |
8.5 |
big, grand |
nojoch |
8 |
José |
Here I am to see the grand [old] man... |
Jeʾ j taalen in wil le nojoch máakaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Je'el j taalen in wil le nojoch máaka'. |
Jé j tàalen in wil e nojoch máaka'. |
9.1 |
slow |
xaan |
9.2 |
you spend time, stay, delay |
ka xáantal |
9.3 |
you spent time |
xáanchajech |
9.4 |
here he is |
jeʾe letiʾaʾ |
9 |
Marcelino |
You didnʾt take very long. Here he is. |
Maʾ jach xáanchajechiʾ. Jeʾe letiʾaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma' jach xáanchajechi'. Je'el leti'a'. |
Ma' jach xáanchajechi'. Jé'e leti'a'. |
10.1 |
it happens |
ku yúuchul |
10.2 |
what happened |
baʾax úuchij |
10.3 |
what happened to you? |
baʾax úuch teech |
10.4 |
you recognize me |
a kʾajóolen |
10.5 |
who am I? |
máaxen |
10.6 |
you know who I am |
a wojel máaxen |
10 |
José |
Good morning, Don Pedro. What happened to you? Do you recognize me? Do you know who I am? |
Buenos días, Don Pedro. Baʾax úuch teech. ¿A kʾajóolen? A wojel máaxen. |
▲ |
▼ |
Buenos días, Don Pedro. Ba'ax úuch teech. ¿A k'ajóolen? A wojel máaxen. |
Bwenos días, don pedroj. Ba'ax úuch tech. ¿'A k'ajóolen? 'A wojel máaxen. |
11.1 |
long ago |
úuchij |
11.2 |
Iʾve seen [it] long ago |
úuch in wilej |
11.3 |
Iʾve seen you long ago |
úuch in wilech |
11.4 |
I havenʾt seen you |
maʾ in wilechiʾ |
11 |
Don Pedro |
Yes, I know. Really though, itʾs been a long time since Iʾve seen you, Don José. |
Jaaj, in wojel. Jach túun úuch in wilech Don José. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jaaj, in wojel. Jach túun úuch in wilech Don José. |
Jàaj, 'in wojel. Jach túun úuch in wilech don josej. |
12.1 |
yes, of course |
jaajiʾixtakoʾ |
12.2 |
long ago we have seen each other |
úuch k il k ba |
12.3 |
we havenʾt seen each other |
maʾ k il k baiʾ |
12 |
José |
Yes, it sure has. We havenʾt seen each other for a long time. |
Jaajiʾixtakoʾ. Úuch k il ba. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jaaji'ixtako'. Úuch k il báaj. |
Jàaji'ixtako'. 'Úuch k il báaj. |
13.1 |
since |
desde |
13.2 |
since long ago |
desde úuchij |
13.3 |
since long ago youʾve been sick |
desde úuch kʾojaʾanchajakech |
13 |
José |
Really, youʾve been sick for a long time, havenʾt you? |
Jach desde úuch kʾojaʾanchajakech, máasimaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jach desde úuch k'oja'anchajakech, máasima'. |
Jach destej úuch k'oja'anchajkech, máasima'. |
14.1 |
just how long |
jach jay pʾéel kʾiin |
14.2 |
how long have you been sick |
jay pʾéel kʾiin kʾojaʾanchajakech |
14.3 |
how long were you sick |
jay pʾéel kʾiin kʾojaʾanchajech |
14 |
José |
Just how long have you been sick here? |
Jach jay pʾéel kʾiin kʾojaʾanchajakech wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Jach jay p'éel k'iin k'oja'anchajakech waye'. |
Jach jay p'é k'ìin k'oja'anchajkech waye'. |
15.1 |
brother |
hermano |
15.2 |
there is |
ku yantal |
15.3 |
there has been time |
tsʾoʾok u yantal kʾiin |
15 |
Don Pedro |
Well, brother, itʾs been quite a while. |
Pues, hermano, tsʾoʾok u yantal kʾiin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pues, hermano, ts'o'ok u yantal k'iin. |
Pwes, 'ermánoj, ts'o'ok u yantal k'ìin. |
16.1 |
even though it be; more or less |
kex |
16.2 |
I think itʾs been more or less two months |
míin yaan kex dos meses |
16.3 |
I donʾt feel well |
maʾ maʾalob in wuʾuyik in baiʾ |
16 |
Don Pedro |
I think itʾs been about two months [that] I havenʾt felt well. |
Míin yaan kex dos meses maʾ maʾalob in wuʾuyik in baiʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Míin yaan kex dos meses ma' ma'alob in wu'uyik in bai'. |
Míin yàan kex dòos meses má ma'alob in wu'uyk in bái'. |
17.1 |
the month of September |
u mesil septiembre |
17.2 |
October |
octubre |
17.3 |
November |
noviembre |
17.4 |
December |
diciembre |
17.5 |
January |
enero |
17.6 |
February |
febrero |
17.7 |
March |
marzo |
17.8 |
April |
abril |
17.9 |
May |
mayo |
17.10 |
June |
junio |
17.11 |
July |
julio |
17.12 |
August |
agosto |
17 |
Don Pedro |
Iʾve been here since the month of September |
Desde u mesil septiembre yanaken wayeʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Desde u mesil septiembre yanaken waye'. |
Desdej u mèesil septyembrej yanaken waye'. |
18.1 |
there is [someone] to or from whom... |
yaan máax tiʾ |
18.2 |
you fetch [it] |
ka chʾaʾik |
18.3 |
medicine |
tsʾaak |
18.4 |
he heals or treats |
ku tsʾaak |
18.5 |
he cures or treats [him] |
ku tsʾakik |
18 |
José |
Is there someone from whom you get medicine? |
Yaan wáa máax tiʾ ka chʾaʾik tsʾaak. |
▲ |
▼ |
Yaan wáa máax ti' ka ch'a'ik ts'aak. |
Yan wá máax ti' ka ch'áik ts'àak. |
19.1 |
itʾs boiling |
tun chaak |
19.2 |
sheʾs boiling [it] |
tun chakik |
19.3 |
herb |
xíiw |
19.4 |
she boiled herbs |
tu chakaj xíiwoʾob |
19.5 |
she boiled me herbs to drink |
tu chakaj teen xíiwoʾob in wukʾej |
19.6 |
Doña Margarita |
Doña Margarita |
19 |
Don Pedro |
Not now, but Doña Margarita boiled me [some] herbs to drink... |
Bejlaʾeʾ maʾ, pero Doña Margarita tu chakaj teen xíiwoʾob in wukʾej. |
▲ |
▼ |
Bejla'e ma', pero Doña Margarita tu chakaj teen xíiwo'ob in wuk'ej. |
Bejla'e' ma', peroj donya máargarìitaj tu chakaj ten xíiwo'ob in wuk'ej. |
20.1 |
youʾre getting well |
tan wutstal |
20.2 |
you didnʾt get well |
maʾ utschajechiʾ |
20.3 |
you havenʾt gotten well |
maʾ utschajakechiʾ |
20 |
José |
But you didnʾt get well with it? |
Pero maʾ utschajech yéeteliʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pero ma' utschajech yéeteli'. |
Peroj ma' utschajech yéeteli'. |
21.1 |
not one [bit of] good |
mix un pʾéel uts |
21.2 |
it did for me |
tu beetaj teen |
21 |
Don Pedro |
No, it didnʾt do me any good. |
Maʾa tech, mix un pʾéel uts tu beetaj teen. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma'a tech, mix un p'éel uts tu beetaj teen. |
Má'a tech, mix um p'é 'uts tu bèetaj ten. |
22.1 |
it seems to me... |
bey in wóoleʾ |
22.2 |
itʾs better that you go |
más maʾalob ka xiʾikech |
22.3 |
hospital |
hospital |
22.4 |
that you go to the hospital |
ka xiʾikech hospital |
22.5 |
that you enter the hospital |
ka okokech hospital |
22.6 |
that you leave the hospital |
ka jóokʾokech hospital |
22 |
José |
It seems to me itʾs better for you to go to the hospital. |
Bey in wóol más maʾalob ka xiʾikech hospitaleʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Bey in wóol más ma'alob ka'aj xi'ikech hospitale'. |
Bey in wóol màas ma'alob ká xi'ikech 'ospitàale'. |
23.1 |
doctor |
doctor |
23.2 |
Iʾve been to the doctor |
tsʾoʾok in bin doctor |
23.3 |
expensive |
koʾoj |
23.4 |
the payment [of] there |
u boʾolil le teʾeloʾ |
23 |
Don Pedro |
Well, I have gone to the Doctor, but the cost there is very high. |
Pues, tsʾoʾok in bin doctor pero jach koʾoj u boʾolil le teʾeloʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Pues, ts'o'ok in bin doctor pero jach ko'oj u bo'olil le te'elo'. |
Pwes, ts'o'ok in bin doktòor peroj jach ko'oj 'u bo'olil le te'elo'. |
24.1 |
clear... |
claro |
24.2 |
if you want to get well... |
wa a kʾáat utstaleʾ |
24.3 |
it has to cost you |
yan u tojoltik teech |
24 |
José |
True, but if you want to recover, it has to cost you. |
Claro, pero wa a kʾáat utstaleʾ, yan u tojoltik teech. |
▲ |
▼ |
Claro, pero wa a k'áat utstale', yan u tojoltik teech. |
Klároj, peroj wá a k'áat utstale, yan u tojoltik tech. |
25.1 |
it took time, it lasted |
xáanchajij |
25.2 |
you are getting medicine |
táan a chʾaʾik tsʾaak |
25.3 |
youʾve been getting medicine for long |
xáanchaj táan a chʾaʾik tsʾaak |
25 |
José |
Have you been getting medicine for long from that woman? |
Xáanchaj wáa táan a chʾaʾik tsʾaak tiʾ le koʾoleloʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Xáanchaj wáa táan a ch'a'ik ts'aak ti' le ko'olelo'. |
Xáanchaj wá táan a ch'a'ik ts'àak tí' le ko'olelo'. |
26.1 |
it didnʾt last |
maʾ xáanchajiʾ |
26 |
Don Pedro |
No, not for long, really only a few days. |
Maʾ, maʾ xáanchajiʾ, jach chéen tsʾeʾetsʾek kʾiin. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ma', ma' xáanchaji', jach chéen ts'e'ets'ek k'iin. |
Má', má' xáanchaji', jach chéen ts'e'ets'ej k'ìin. |
27.1 |
you want me to go |
a kʾáat ka xiʾiken |
27.2 |
that I go get medicine |
ka xiʾiken in chʾaʾ tsʾaak |
27 |
José |
Well, do you want me to go and get medicine? |
¿Bueno, a kʾáat ka xiʾiken in chʾaʾ tsʾaak? |
▲ |
▼ |
¿Bueno, a k'áat ka'aj xi'iken in ch'a' ts'aak? |
¿Bwenoj, 'a k'áat ká xi'iken in ch'á ts'àak? |
28.1 |
happen |
úuchul |
28.2 |
if it happens to be possible... |
wa úuchak u páajtaleʾ |
28.3 |
thatʾs what I want |
le in kʾáatiʾ |
28 |
Don Pedro |
If it happens to be possible, brother, thatʾs what I want... |
Wa úuchak u páajtaleʾ hermano le in kʾáatiʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Wáa úuchak u páajtale' hermano le in k'áati'. |
Wá 'úuchak u páajtale 'ermanoj le in k'áati'. |
29 |
Marcelino |
He has really become ill, hasnʾt he? |
Tsʾoʾok u jach kʾojaʾantal, máasimaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ts'o'ok u jach k'oja'antal, máasima'. |
Ts'o'ok u jach k'oja'antal, máasima'. |
30.1 |
I believe [it] |
kin creertik |
30.2 |
I believe that... |
in creertikeʾ |
30.3 |
this medicine Iʾll give him |
le tsʾaak ken in tsʾa tiʾaʾ |
30 |
José |
Yes, but I believe heʾll recover with the medicine Iʾm going to give to him. |
Tsʾoʾokij, pero in creertikeʾ jeʾ u yutstal yéetel le tsʾaak ken in tsʾa tiʾaʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
Ts'o'okij, pero in creertike' je'el u yutstal yéetel le ts'aak ken in ts'a ti'a'. |
Ts'o'okij, pero in kréertike je' u yutstal y éetel le ts'aak ken in ts'á tí'a'. |
31.1 |
sure |
jeʾeleʾ |
31 |
Marcelino |
Sure, I think so. |
In tukulikeʾ jeʾeleʾ. |
▲ |
▼ |
In tukulike' je'ele'. |
'In tuklike' je'ele'. |
32.1 |
he tells me |
ku tsikbaltik teen |
32.2 |
if he recovers... |
wa u yutstaleʾ |
32.3 |
if he recovered... |
wa utschajeʾ |
32.4 |
if he should recover... |
wa ka utschajakeʾ |
32.5 |
janalicol |
u jaanalil kool |
32.6 |
he will make janalicol |
ku beetik u jaanalil kool |
32 |
Marcelino |
He told me that if he should get well, heʾll make janalicol. |
Tu tsikbaltaj teneʾ wáa ka utschajakeʾ ku beetik u jaanlil kool. |
▲ |
▼ |
Tu tsikbaltaj tene' wáa ka'aj utschajake' ku beetik u jaanlil kool. |
Tu tsikbaltaj tene' wá ká utschajake' ku bèetik u jàanli kòol. |
33.1 |
soon, fast |
séeb |
33.2 |
may you get well! |
ka utschajakech |
33.3 |
may you get well soon! |
ka séeb utschajakech |
33 |
José |
Well, Don Pedro, may you get well soon! |
Bueno, Don Pedro, ka séeb utschajakech. |
▲ |
▼ |
Bueno, Don Pedro, ka'aj séeb utschajakech. |
Bwenoj, don pedroj, ká séeb utschajkech. |